Country of Origin: Great Britain
Group: Pointing Dogs
Section: British and Irish Pointers and Setters
Original Function: bird setting and retrieving
Todays Function: pointing, pointing field trials
Dimension Male: 61-69 cm
Dimension Female: 58-66 cm
Weight Male: 25-36 kg
Weight Female: 20-32 kg
Litter Size: 6 puppies
Life span: 10-14 years
Other Names: Laverack Setter, Llewellyn Setter
Colors: White with overlay markings in the following colors: orange, blue, liver, lemon, tricolor (blue/tan/
Living: English setters need lots of room in which to exercise and run. the ideal living situation for an en
English Setters are beautiful, elegant, slim setter with a unique speckled coat. The specking may be more or less heavy and the markings may be of any size. The long hair is flat, silky and a bit wavy. The coat comes in white with blue, lemon, orange, or brown speckling. Some dogs are tri-color (blue, white & brown). The head is long, with a pronounced frontal stop. The muzzle is approximately half the total length of the head, and is fairly square. The eyes are large and brilliant, with a sweet expression and they are hazel in color. The nose is dark. The moderately long pendant ears have a velvety tip. The tail, ears, legs, and underside are all heavily fringed. The tail is straight and tapers to a small point. The chest is quite deep, but not wide.
Bred to cover a lot of area when hunting, the English setter is a lively dog that loves to hunt and run. This is especially true of dogs from field lines. If not given sufficient exercise, they can be overly lively inside. With daily exertion, however, they are calm and tractable house dogs. Those from conformation lines are particularly laid-back and gentle and excel with children and less active adults. This is an amiable, easygoing breed that gets along well with children, strangers and other dogs.
The English setter needs a lot of exercise every day, requiring at least an hour of hard exertion. It does best when it can live inside and play outside. The long coat needs regular brushing every two or three days. The white coat may be difficult to keep gleaming in some areas. Some clipping and trimming every month or two is advisable for optimal good looks.
Regular combing and brushing of the soft, flat, medium-length coat is all that is required to keep it in excellent condition. It is important to check for burrs and tangles, and to give extra care when the dog is shedding. Bathe or dry shampoo only when n
Major concerns: deafness, CHD, elbow dysplasia
Minor concerns: PRA, OCD
Occasionally seen: epilepsy
Suggested tests: hip, elbow, hearing, eye