Scientific Name: pseudotropheus crabro
Origin: Lake Malawi
Family: Cichlidae
Other Names: Bumblebee Mouthbrooder
Technical Info
Temperature: 26 - 30 ℃
pH: 8 - 8.4
GH: 13 - 17
Max size: 10 cm
Min Tank size: 100 Ltr
Position in Aqua: No special swimming level
If you want to keep this fish it is wise to keep one male together with several females. The aquarium should be set up with a lot of rocks and stones that form caves and crevices because they need hiding places. Hard plants such as Vallisneria can be used as well for decoration. You should leave enough free swimming space. They hardly make a territory. Because they are large eaters they produce a lot of waste, so you need a large filter. It is necessary to change a large part of the water regularly.
They are omnivorous. You should give them a great variety of live, frozen and dry food. You should not give them too much food, because they can get digesting problems.
Breeding is rather easy. 20-6- eggs are laid and immediately after that taken in the mouth by the female. The eggs are fertilized by the male using the dummy egg method. After 20-24 days the young fishes leave the mouth of the mother for the first time. You can raise them with baby brine shrimp and fine crushed dry food.
Compatible with
The Bumblebee Mouthbrooder is aggressive and is not considered to be a community fish. In fact, it should only be housed with other aggressive cichlids. These fish need to be kept in a group of one male to six or more females. This will help to spread out the male s aggression. Lots of cover is needed for the females as it is not uncommon for the male Bumblebee Mouthbrooder to harass them to death. They dominant male will kill any rivals, including subdominant males.