Scientific Name: macropodus opercularis
Origin: China, Korea, Taiwan, Malacca
Family: Anabantidae
Other Names:
Technical Info
Temperature: 21 - 25 ℃
pH: 6.8 - 7.2
GH: 6 - 10
Max size: 8 cm
Min Tank size: 80 Ltr
Position in Aqua: Middle swimmer
Young fish are excellent community fish, but adult males often cause problems and fight with each other like Betta splendens. The fish needs a lot of free swimming space and for the females you must provide a lot of hiding places. You can use floating plants to achieve this. The aquarium should be well covered because they are very good jumpers. The aquarium should be set up with some strong plants.
The fish is omnivorous, so you can give them a great variety of live, frozen and dry food.
Breeding is fairly easy. Up to 800 eggs are laid in a bubblenest. After spawning the female should be removed. The eggs hatch after 24 hours and 3-5 days later the young fishes are swimming free. At that point you should remove the male as well. Now you can start feeding with powdered dry foods and infusoria, and a few days later with baby brine shrimp.
Compatible with
Paradise Fish are often aggressive thus tankmates must be chosen with care. Suitable tankmates include giant danios, large tetras, most smaller catfishes and even some of the less aggressive cichlids, such as firemouth cichlids.They can hold their own against most South American cichlid species of a similar size, that are not overly aggressive. Slow moving or long finned fish such as fancy goldfish and freshwater angelfish are likely to be attacked, bettas and gouramis may also be victimized due to their resemblance to paradise fish.