Scientific Name: cyprinella lutrensis
Origin: central North America
Family: Cyprinidae
Other Names: Notropis lutrensis
Technical Info
Temperature: 18 - 22 ℃
pH: 7.3 - 7.7
GH: 10 - 14
Max size: 8 cm
Min Tank size: 100 Ltr
Position in Aqua: Middle swimmer
Cyprinella is Greek for "small carp" and lutrensis is derived from the Latin lutra which means "otter", a reference to Otter Creek, Arkansas, where the species was first captured. Coloration is similar to the blacktail shiner, olive green above and silver on the sides. Spawning males become bluish on the sides and the fins redden. There are 7-8 rays in the dorsal fin. The anal fin has 8-10 rays (usually 9). Maximum size is only about 3.5 inches. The species is sometimes confused with the golden shiner and exotic minnows such as the rudd and roach.
Feeds on terrestrial and aquatic insects in nature, and algae. In the aquarium it will accept a wide range of foods, from a staple flake food to live and frozen bloodworm, mosquito larvae, brineshrimp and Daphnia.
They breed over gravel beds in moving water or near substrate spawning minnows. Often, two males will spawn with a single female who lays a few hundred to a few thousand eggs. Southern redbelly dace are riffle spawners. Fry hatch in about six days. See the fourth link below for one aquarist s success at spawning Southern redbelly dace.
Compatible with
You should also be selective about the breeds of fish that you would like to keep along with the combtail paradise fish. “Due to the boisterous nature of the fish you would find the fish to be getting along with larger species of species like the Kissing Gourami and the Cichlids.
Red shiners are an attractive cool water fish that will appeal to those wanting something completely different to goldfish. They could be mixed with other cool water, active fish like danios and White Cloud Mountain minnows, though should not be mixed with goldfish as they will out-compete them and are a fin-nipping risk.