Scientific Name: capoeta tetrazona
Origin: Indonesia
Family: Cyprinidae
Other Names: Tiger Barb, Sumatra Barb
Technical Info
Temperature: 24 - 28 ℃
pH: 6.5 - 7
GH: 2 - 5
Max size: 8 cm
Min Tank size: 80 Ltr
Position in Aqua: No special swimming level
Lively and peaceful schooling fish that needs a lot of free swimming space. This fish likes tot nip the fins of fishes with long fins like Angelfishes. The aquarium should be planted well on the sides and background. Don t use plants that are to soft, because they will eat them.
They are omnivorous. You should feed them with a great variety of live, frozen and dry food. A great part of the food should be vegetable.
Breeding is not easy. You should select the breeding pair very carefully for colour and condition. You should feed them very well. The breeding aquarium should be set up with fine leaved plants and a bottom with a lot of marbles. Up to 200 eggs are laid and fertilized in the morning. After spawning the parents should be removed immediately because they will eat the eggs. The eggs hatch after 36 hours and 5 days later the young fishes are swimming free. You can raise them with Artemia-nauplii until they are large enough to accept finely crushed flake food.
Compatible with
Barbs, Clown Loaches, Danios, Gouramis, Mollies, Platies, Plecostomus, one Red Tailed Shark, Rainbow Shark, Silver Dollar, Swordtails
Keep with fishes of similar size and temperament and avoid long-finned tankmates, such as angelfish and bettas.