Scientific Name: Scatophagus rubrifons
Origin: Indonesie, Phillipines
Family: Scatophagidae
Other Names: Spotted Scat, Common Scat, Red-Headed Scat
Technical Info
Temperature: 24 - 28 ℃
pH: 7.5 - 8
GH: 12 - 16
Max size: 6 cm
Min Tank size: 40 Ltr
Position in Aqua: No special swimming level
Active and peaceful fish that needs brackish water that should be kept in a small school. It is necessary to add 3-4 teaspoons of seasalt to every 10 liters of water. The aquarium can be planted on the sides with hard plants that can live in brackish water. A lot of free swimming space should be left. A regular changing of the water is necessary.
The animals are omnivorous but they prefer soft waterplants and algae. Live and dry food are accepted as well.
About breeding not much is known.
Compatible with
Scats are best kept in groups or with other fish of similar temperament. They mix extremely well with Monos and brackish water cichlids such as Green Chromides. Other good tankmates include Sailfin Mollies, Archerfish, Colombian Shark Catfish and brackish water Siamese Tiger Fish.
While the maximum length recorded is 38 cm (15 in), 20 cm (8 in) is more typical in home aquaria.